Terms & Conditions

Early Bird : 1600 +GST
Ticket : 2000 +GST
Register Now

Terms & Conditions

  1. (*): Taxes as applicable.
  2. All payments must be made at one go, either by UPI ID / credit or debit cards, net- banking or cheque / Demand Draft OR RTGS.


1.1 The conference is organized and managed by IndianTelevision.com Group; a company registered in India.
1.2 References to "us" means IndianTelevision.com Group and references to "we" and "our" shall be construed accordingly. Reference to "you" means the entity completing a booking request and references to "your" shall be construed accordingly.
1.3 All applications to register for the conference are made subject to these Terms & Conditions (which shall apply to the exclusion of any terms imposed by you).
1.4 You acknowledge and accept that we have the right to publicly announce our business relationship with you which shall include but not be limited to announcements on social media. Such announcements shall not be disparaging or otherwise adverse to your business.
1.5 You must be at least 18 years of age to register and attend the conference, unless otherwise agreed with the conference organiser. Delegates may be asked to present an official identity card stating their age.

2.1 All applications to register for the conference are subject to availability and you making full payment.
2.2 Confirmation (or rejection) of your booking will be sent to you by email within 2-3 working days of our receipt of your booking request.
2.3 Delegate passes issued for use at the conference are valid for named attendee only and, subject to clause 4.2 below, cannot be transferred. You may be asked for photographic ID during the conference. If you are unable to provide identification which matches your delegate pass you may be asked to leave the conference.

3.1 Our prices for attending the conference are set out on the relevant registration booking form or can be obtained from our website. Prices may be subject to change from time to time.
3.2 If your booking has been confirmed an invoice will be sent to you within 2-3 working days setting out the relevant payment instructions and terms. Payment is due within seven (7) days on receipt of this invoice or 10 business days prior to the conference (or by the Early Bird close date - whichever comes first).

3.3 Early Bird Registration - Delegates must have registered and paid by the mentioned date to be eligible for the early bird registration. Registration payments not received by early bird deadline will revert to the standard rate.

3.4 Please be advised that credit card fees apply for payments made via credit card. 3.5 Credit Card payments are made directly through RazorPay to ensure your personal details are kept safe. None of your payment details are stored by IndianTelevision.com Group. 3.6 If for any reason we have not received payment in full by the date of the conference you (or the attending delegate) may be refused entry to the conference. We reserve the right to cancel your booking at any time if payment is not made.

3.7 You acknowledge and accept that if payment is not made in accordance with this clause 3, interest on the overdue balances (including any period after the date of any judgment or decree against the Customer), and a late payment fee of 2% will be applied.


4.1 It may be necessary for reasons beyond our reasonable control to alter the advertised content, timing and/or location of the conference or the advertised speakers. We reserve the right to do this at any time. Where we alter the time and/or location of the conference, we will provide you with notice of the same and will offer you the choice of either a credit for a future event of your choice (up to the value of sums paid by you in respect of the conference) or the opportunity to attend the conference as varied.

4.2 If you are unable to attend the conference we welcome substitute delegates attending in your place at no extra cost provided that we have at least 2 days prior notice of the name of your proposed substitute and have received payment in full. Please notify us of any substitutions by email at: Dinalm@indiantelevision.co.in

4.3 Conference registrations are not refundable. Non-payment does not constitute cancellation.

4.4. The organizers shall not be liable for any loss caused by the cancellation of the Conference where such cancellation is due to Force Majeure. The term "Force Majeure" means any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the organizers including but not limited to War, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), terrorism, aircraft hijacking, military operation, riot, civil war, rebellion, civil commotion or unrest, Acts or Regulations of government, refusal to grant visas, explosions, natural disasters, transport delays, transport difficulties and the insolvency of airline carriers.

5. CONTENT 5.1 All rights in all presentations, documentation and materials published or otherwise made available as part of the conference (including but not limited to any audio or audio-visual recording of the conference) ("Content") are owned by us or are included with the permission of the owner of the rights. No (i) photography, filming or recording; or (ii) republication, broadcast or other dissemination of the Content is permitted. You shall not distribute, reproduce, modify, store, transfer or in any other way use any of the Content (save that use by the relevant delegate for internal business purposes shall be permitted), and in particular (but without limitation) you shall not (and shall procure that each of your delegates shall not):

5.1.1 upload any Content into any shared system;

5.1.2 include any Content in a database;

5.1.3 include any Content in a website or on any intranet;

5.1.4 transmit, re-circulate or otherwise make available any Content to anyone else;

5.1.5 make any commercial use of the Content whatsoever; or 5.1.6 use Content in any way that might infringe third party rights or that may bring us or any of our affiliates into disrepute.

5.2 The Content does not necessarily reflect our views or opinions.

5.3 Suggestions or advice contained in the Content should not be relied upon in place of professional or other advice. Whilst we take reasonable care to ensure that the Content created by us is accurate and complete, some of it is supplied by third parties and we are unable to check its accuracy or completeness. You should verify the accuracy of any information (whether supplied by us or third parties) before relying on it. The Content is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind (express or implied). We hereby exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law all liabilities, costs, claims, damages, losses and/or expenses arising from any inaccuracy or omission in the Content or arising from any infringing, defamatory or otherwise unlawful material in the Content. 5.4 To the extent that any Content is made available by us online we reserve the right to suspend or remove access to such Content at any time.

6.1 Subject to clause
6.4, our aggregate liability to you, whether such liability arises in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any damages, loss, costs, claims or expenses of any kind howsoever arising, out of in connection with any booking (or requested booking) made by you or otherwise in relation to a conference, shall be limited to the price paid by you in respect of your booking to attend the conference.
6.2 Subject to clause 6.4, we shall not be liable to you for (i) any loss of profit, loss of or damage to data, loss of anticipated savings or interest, loss of or damage to reputation or goodwill or; (ii) any indirect, special or consequential damages, loss, costs, claims or expenses of any kind.
6.3 You agree to indemnify us, our staff and our affiliates and to hold us harmless to the fullest extent permitted by law, against all loss, costs, claims or expenses of any kind arising from any act or omission by you (including your delegates) during or otherwise in relation to a conference. 6.4 Nothing in this these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude either party's liability for:
6.4.1 death or personal injury caused by that party's negligence, or the negligence of that party's employees, agents or subcontractors; 6.4.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or 6.4.3 any other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

7. ANTI-BRIBERY 7.1 You warrant that you shall:

7.1.1 comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption;

7.1.2 promptly report to us any request or demand for any undue influence or other advantage of any kind received by or on behalf of you in connection with the performance of these Terms and Conditions.

7.2 Breach of this clause 7 shall be deemed a material breach of these Terms and Conditions.


8.1 These Terms and Conditions (together with any documents referred to herein or required to be entered into pursuant to these Terms and Conditions) contain the entire agreement and understanding between us and supersede all prior agreements, understandings or arrangements (both oral and written) relating to the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions and any such document.

8.2 You acknowledge that in registering a delegate place you have not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.

8.3 These Terms and Conditions shall not create, nor shall they be construed as creating, any partnership or agency relationship between us.

8.4 You accept that communication with us may be electronic. We may contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on our website. You agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all such communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal or contractual requirement that such communication be made in writing.

8.5 Save as set out in Clause 4.2 you are not permitted to re-sell, transfer, and assign or otherwise dispose of any of your rights or obligations arising under these Terms and Conditions.

8.7 These Terms and conditions and the rights and obligations of both parties shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Indian government and both parties irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian government in respect of any dispute which arises hereunder.

9. Attendance

9.1 Your attendance at the Conference is, at all times, at the sole discretion of IndianTelevision.com Group. IndianTelevision.com Group reserves the right to refuse entry to you to the Conference, or to request that you leave the Conference, without notice for any reason whatsoever. If this occurs, then a refund of the registration fee will be facilitated in some circumstances (at IndianTelevision.com Group's sole discretion). You must at all times comply with: - these Terms and Conditions; - any terms and conditions imposed by the Venue; and - any reasonable direction given to you by IndianTelevision.com Group, the Venue host, or any of their employees, agents or contractors, and IndianTelevision.com Group reserves the right to immediately terminate the registration of any delegate that it reasonably believes is not complying, or has not complied, with the above terms.

9.2 It is strongly recommended that delegates have travel insurance to cover medical and travel expenses. The conference does not endorse or have any arrangements with any companies.


10.1 You acknowledge and agree that, in respect of your attendance at the Conference: - you may be photographed, filmed or recorded;
- IndianTelevision.com Group can use and disclose your name and image in any material, including promotional material (Material) in connection with the Conference or future conferences, without any remuneration to you;
- IndianTelevision.com Group can use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose in connection with the Conference;
- all right, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) in the Material will automatically vest in IndianTelevision.com Group on its creation;
- you unconditionally and irrevocably consent to any act or omission that would otherwise infringe any of your moral rights in the Materials and agree to not institute, maintain or support any claim or proceeding for infringement of any such rights; - IndianTelevision.com Group's privacy policy contains further information about how IndianTelevision.com Group uses, discloses and stores personal information.

It also contains details about how you can access and seek correction of your personal information; and - exhibitors have access to name badge scanning software that enables them to "scan" your name badge to obtain your contact details (name, company, State and email).

IndianTelevision.com Group is not responsible for the subsequent use, disclosure or other handling of your personal information by any exhibitor or any other person who obtains your personal information using the name badge scanning

Refund policy

No refund applicable on cancellation.